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Writer's pictureSeo Robo Mindz

It is All About The Best Vitamins for Hair

Your hair is thin and dull, with little volume and shine. It also frizzes easily. All the hair products and shampoos promise a beautiful mane. But you can't seem to get it. This sounds familiar. Cosmetic products are only effective at superficial and topical levels. This does not mean that you should stop using hair products. However, you can add hair vitamins to your regimen to maintain your hair's beauty and health.

You need to maintain hair health and strength with the help of biotin, vitamin D and retinol. Are you looking for more information on the best hair vitamins? Continue reading.


Vitamin B8, also known as biotin or vitamin B8, is essential for hair health. It can be applied topically (shampoos and masks) or orally (for example in natural hair vitamins or supplements rich in biotin such as Paxas.

Biotin is a vitamin that promotes hair growth. It also helps strengthen and thicken hair. According to the Medical University of the Americas publication, supplementation is important if hair loss is caused by a deficiency of this vitamin.

The following foods contain biotin: liver, meats, eggs, cereals nuts, fish, and even spinach.

Vitamin A or Retinol

But retinol is not for the face. Vitamin A, also known as retinol or vitamin A, is essential for healthy skin care products and mucous membranes. It takes only a few weeks to make your hair thicker and more strong. It is important to get enough vitamin A from food.

Pro-vitamin A (beta-carotene): carrot, pumpkin, apricot, peach, spinach, chard.

Retinol is found in meats, offal and eggs as well as dairy products (milk, cheese).

According to an Ohio State University study, vitamin A intake is crucial for maintaining hair follicle integrity.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is traditionally associated with bone health. However, vitamin D can also be important for immunity and other functions. Research from the Holistic Performance institute shows that hair loss is often caused by a lack of vitamin D. This is especially true for children and women.

Antioxidant vitamins

Although vitamin C and E do not directly affect hair health, they are important antioxidants that are essential for healthy hair. Vitamin C, on the other hand, can help improve iron assimilation. It is one of the most important elements of hair.

Where can I find vitamins C or E? Vitamin C and E can be found in citrus fruits, strawberries as well as tomatoes, kiwi, peppers, parsley, and many other sources. All raw fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin E can be found in seeds, oil, olive oil and nuts.

An added bonus for hair vitamins

Vitamins are vital for hair health. However, it is important that you mention two other types of nutrients that are equally important for shiny hair: minerals and protein.


Hair health is dependent on iron, zinc, and selenium. The hair will not grow strong and healthy if the follicle that develops it doesn't receive enough nutrients.

Zinc and iron are found in meats, legumes, and nuts. Selenium is a major component of fish, seafood, meats, and whole grains. All the minerals you need for hair are provided by our B-BEAUTY COMPLEX.


Ever wonder why so many homemade hair products contain eggs? It is because of the protein in the egg's transparent portion. It contains all the amino acid our hair requires.

This recipe will give your hair an amino acid boost.

  • One egg

  • One tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar

  • Three tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil

Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

It is important to apply it after you have washed your hair for at least 30 minutes.

Once you have completed this process, rinse your hair with cold water.

You now know which vitamins are best for hair, and which nutrients to avoid in order to have strong, shiny hair. This activity can be added to your daily routine to give your hair a more shiny look.

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